Doresa's True Crime Book

Doresa just published “The Ends,” a nonfiction book that details two young lovers’ crimes in Northern California and Nevada in 1947 and the aftermath. Click on “Author” above for more info. Available on


July 21, 2020

Edited Book Wins Award

The book Doresa recently edited, “Las Vegas’ Dunes Hotel-Casino: The Mob, The Connections, The Stories” by Geno Munari, garnered a first place award in the unpublished book category from the Public Safety Writers Association. Congrats, Geno! 


July 21, 2020

Editing Project in Progress

March 16, 2020: Doresa is currently editing a client’s book about a former, big-name hotel-casino in Las Vegas. She’s super excited for the author, who worked doggedly to complete the manuscript and did so in record time. Yay!


March 16, 2020


Thanks for visiting Doresa’s revamped Copywriter/Copyeditor website. Here’s where she’ll keep you updated on the latest.


January 7, 2015